Bible Baptist Church
Our Ministries
"Be doers of the word, and not hearers only..." James 1:22
Here are several ways we give God glory
Food Pantry
We have a food pantry that is open to anyone in need of it.
Let us know if you need it.
"A deeper Dive"
Every Wednesday at 6PM we meet and have a meal together, followed by a Bible Study and a time of prayer.
Hungry? Come Join us!
Praise & Worship
Sunday Night Concerts
From May through October we have a special guest on the first Sunday of the month come and share music.
Let's praise the Lord together!
Bible Camp
The last full week of July we have a week of Bible Camp for kids, as we take a intimate look at God's Word.
God's Creation
Spreading the Gospel
Our Missions
We support missionaries all over the world, through prayer, finaces and relationships.
We cuurrently support 11 missions.
Trunk or Treat
Every Fall we open up the parking lot to kids of all ages as we share some candy and share the Gospel.
Got Candy?
Christmas Cantada
The Sunday before Christmas we have a special Christmas Cantada. Please make plans to join us for this special evening.
December 22nd, 2024 - 4:00 PM
Whats Next
More to come
We are working on some things.